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Young Fellows (2024)


İkbal Baş Strasbourg University  Faculty of Law
Serra Beldağ  Galatasaray University  Political Science
İnci Çakıcı Galatasaray University Political Science
Leyla Ayşegül Kandemir Boğaziçi University Economics & Political Science and International Relations
Alperen Kars Koç University Computer Engineering & Economics - International Relations
Efehan Kaya Galatasaray University International Relations
Yılmaz Onat Köylüoğlu Acıbadem University Faculty of Medicine
Turan Kerem Öktem Koç University International Relations & Economics
Aybars Önder Princeton University Philosophy
İmge Doğa Özden Bilkent University Law
Mustafa Ege Şeker Acıbadem University Faculty of Medicine
Osman Gürem Ulusoy Bilkent University Law
Gizem Yaz Boğaziçi University Chemical Engineering
Osman Berke Yıldırım Sabancı University Computer Science and Engineering & Political Science


  • Mehmet Yalçın Aydın - McKinsey & Company Consultant (GİF Young Scholars 2013 alum) - "Technological Singularity"
  • Zeynep Ülkü Kahveci - Research Assistant, Istanbul Bilgi University (GİF Young Scholars 2013 alum) - “Artificial Intelligence and Law”
  • Selin Uğurtaş - Former Program Director at GİF and Climate Journalist - "Climate Crisis"
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çiğdem Uz-Bilgin - Lecturer, Yıldız Technical University - "VR/AI Technologies and Education"
  • Dr. Müge Dalkıran - Postdoctoral Researcher, MiReKoç (GİF Young Scholars 2012 alum) - “The Concept of ’Freedom of Movement’ and the Historical Development of Migration”

Guest Speakers

  • Mustafa Kılıçaslan - Partner Consultant, Mentoro Platform - “Technological Transformation”
  • Prof. Dr. Levent Kurnaz - Faculty Member, Department of Physics, Boğaziçi University, and Director of the Center for Climate Change and Policy Studies - "Climate Change and Migration Caused by Climate Change”
  • Özgür Soner – Managing Director, BoomByte Games - “The Impact of AI/VR Technologies on the Gaming Industry”
  • Dr. Faik Uyanık – Head of Communication Unit, UNDP - “Global Goals for a Sustainable Future”

Discussion Panel Books

  • Reality+: Virtual Worlds and the Problems of Philosophy - David J. Chalmers
  • Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence - Max Tegmark
  • Chip War: The Fight for the World’s Most Critical Technology - Chris Miller
  • Future Politics: Living Together in a World Transformed by Tech - Jamie Susskind