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GRF Young Fellows Program 2024 Term Fourth Meeting

GRF Young Fellows Program
2024 Term
Fourth Meeting
May 19, 2024

The fourth meeting of the 2024 term of the GRF Young Fellows Program, which is designed to bring together students pursuing their undergraduate studies at leading universities in Turkey and around the world on a platform where they can freely, rationally and constructively discuss and question global issues based on international relations, was held at the GRF office on May 19, 2024.

During the first session entitled "Global Goals for a Sustainable Future", Dr. Faik Uyanık, Head of Communications at the UNDP Turkiye, gave a detailed presentation on Turkey’s position in the global agenda through the UNDP’s updated figures. Discussing the results of the UNDP Human Development Report 2023-2024, the participants engaged in an exchange of ideas on how to develop avenues of cooperation to tackle common challenges.

The second session of the day saw Müge Dalkıran, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Migration Research Center at Koç University (MiReKoç), examine the historical evolution of migration through the prism of ’freedom of movement’. In addition to looking at the primary factors behind mass migration, this session saw lively discussion regarding the sociological, economic, and political dimensions of various countries’ experience with migration. The participants also deliberated on the human rights perspective, as well as the responsibilities of governments and regulations that need to be put in place.