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GRF Young Professionals Program 2016-2017 Term Fourth & Fifth Meetings

GRF Young Professionals Program
2016-2017 Term
Fourth & Fifth Meetings


The fourth and fifth meetings of the 2016-2017 term of the GRF Young Professionals Program was held on October 1 & 14, 2017, in Istanbul.

The theme of the 2016-2017 GRF Young Professionals Program was designated as “technology.” The discussions and presentations of our fourth and fifth meetings on “Technology & Security” were organized around the following topics: “Cyber”, “Drones”, “DARPA”, “Blockchain”,“Space” and “Driverless Cars”

The presenters used the following books as reference points in addressing their selected topics:

October 1


  1. The Darkening Web - Alexander Klimburg
  2. The Hacked World Order * - Adam Segal
  3. The Evolution of the Cyber Domain - IISS


  1. Drones - Sarah Kreps
  2. Drone wars - Peter Bergen
  3. Drone Warfare - Hugh Gusterson *


  1. The Imagineers of War - Sharfon Weinberge *
  2. The Department of Mad Scientist - Michael Belfiore
  3. Buying Military Transformation - Dombrowski, Gholz

October 14


  1. Blockchain Revolution - Don Tapscott & Alex Tapscott *
  2. Crypto Currency, the Future of Money - Paul Vigna & Michael J. Casey
  3. The End of Money - New Scientist


  1.  Crowded Orbits - James Clay Moltz *
  2. Asteroid Mining 101 - John Lewis
  3. The Little Book of Space, Kleinman

Driverless Cars

  1.  Driverless - Hod Libson& Melba Kurman *
  2. The great race for the car of the future - Levi Tillemann
  3. The big data opportunity in our driverless future - Evangelos Simoudis

“*” marks the primary books.