GRF Council of Ideas
"Where Does Turkey’s Democratization Process Stand in Relation to the Norms of Liberal Democracy?"
Messrs. Rıza Türmen and Taha Akyol
Our second GRF Council of Ideas took place on February 24 with the
participation of our GIF Founding Member Mr. Rıza Türmen (Ambassador,
Former ECHR Judge and Columnist at Milliyet Newspaper) and Mr. Taha
Akyol (Columnist at Milliyet Newspaper).
At the meeting, widely attended by GRF members from various backgrounds
such as academic, legal, business, art or media, Ambassador Türmen and
Mr. Akyol analyzed the concepts of liberal values, democracy and rule of
law and offered their comments on how these concepts have been
practiced in Turkey throughout the history of the Republic. The
discussion was followed by a Q&A session, in which our esteemed
guest speakers and members sought to determine where Turkey stands in
relation to the norms of liberal democracy and how to achieve further