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Online Meeting with Dilek Aydın, Turkish Industry and Business Association (TÜSİAD) Representative to the European Union & BusinessEurope Permanent Delegate

Online Meeting with
Dilek Aydın,
Turkish Industry and Business Association (TÜSİAD) Representative to the European Union
& BusinessEurope Permanent Delegate
April 22, 2024


On April 22, 2024, Dilek Aydın, Turkish Industry and Business Association (TÜSİAD) Representative to the European Union & BusinessEurope Permanent Delegate, addressed GRF and GRF Communites members at an online meeting, entitled "Geopolitical and Economic Challenges, and Relations with Turkey in the EU Agenda". Ms. Aydın elaborated on the points of stress within the Turkey - EU relationship in a crisis-prone global environment, and mentioned that she did not find EU’s approach to its relations with Turkey at the last EU Summit very constructive. Stating that despite there being many areas of common interest, Turkey and Europe must find a way to work on their respective lack of trust, and underlined that the recent surge of right-wing populism across Europe and its effects on the EU Parliament needs to be closely monitored by Turkey. Following her speech, Ms. Aydın answered the participants’ questions.