Online Meeting with
Sir Dominick Chilcott,
Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Turkey
March 10, 2021
On March 10, 2021, Sir Dominick Chilcott, Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Turkey, addressed GRF and GRF Community members at an online meeting. In his speech on the future of Turkey-UK relations, Sir Dominick gave a brief history of the relationship between the two countries and emphasized their current similarities with regards to the European Union. Sir Dominick stated that despite leaving the EU, the United Kingdom’s economic and security cooperation with Turkey is still a major priority, and that this cooperation could expand independent of the EU. Remarking that certain opportunities that did not exist before between the United Kingdom and Turkey are now possible in the post-Brexit era, Sir Dominick expressed his hope that Turkey and the United Kingdom will continue to be the EU’s biggest eastern and western partners in the near future. Following his speech, Sir Dominick answered the participants’ questions.