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Online Meeting with Vicente Hurtado Roa, Head of Unit at the European Commission CBAM, Energy and Green Taxation Unit

Online Meeting with
Vicente Hurtado Roa,
Head of Unit at the European Commission CBAM, Energy and Green Taxation Unit
September 13, 2024


On September 13, 2024, Vicente Hurtado Roa, Head of Unit at the European Commission CBAM, Energy and Green Taxation Unit, addressed GRF and GRF Community members at an online meeting. In his speech entitled “The State of the EU Green Deal, ETS, and CBAM Practices: What Lies Ahead for the Turkish Economy and Private Sector?”, Hurtado Roa examined the interplay between these practices and the Turkish economy, as well as its implications for the private sector and trade relations between the EU and Turkey. Stating that the EU is committed to reducing its carbon emissions by %55 by 2030, Hurtado Roa elaborated on the roles of stakeholder countries such as Turkey, with whom the EU shares close trade ties, can play. Hurtado Roa touched on the importance of financing mechanisms like the Modernisation and Innovation Funds under the EU’s Emissions Trading System (ETS) in expediting the process of green transformation in Europe and beyond. Following his speech, Hurtado Roa answered the participants’ questions.