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Reflections on International Security After the 60th Munich Security Conference Online Panel Meeting

Reflections on International Security After the 60th Munich Security Conference
Online Panel Meeting
March 20, 2024


On March 20, 2024, Ambassador (R) Ahmet Üzümcü, Former Director General of the Organization for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Former Permanent Representative of Turkey to NATO and GRF Vice-Chairman; and Dr. Sophie Eisentraut, Head of Research & Publications at the Munich Security Conference (MSC), addressed GRF and GRF Communities members at an online meeting, entitled “Reflections on International Security After the 60th Munich Security Conference: Exploring Emerging Threats and Opportunities”. Moderated by Murat Yetkin, Journalist and GRF Member, the panelists addressed the major topics found in the Munich Security Report, and elaborated on visible trends leading to global instability as a result of decreased cooperation potential between countries for comprehensive growth and addressing global challenges.

The panelists examined various modern factors influencing international security such as the cyberspace, artificial intelligence, biological threats and climate change, and shared their views on the global reflections of the Israel-Hamas and Russia-Ukraine conflicts. Following their speeches, the panelists answered the participant’ questions under Mr. Yetkin’s moderation.