Roundtable with
Amb. Rakesh Sood
Special Envoy of the Prime Minister (SEPM) for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Issues and Ambassador (F) of India to Afghanistan, Nepal, and France
June 20, 2016
On June 20, 2016, Ambassador (R) Rakesh Sood, Special Envoy of the Prime Minister (SEPM) for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Issues and Ambassador (F) of India to Afghanistan, Nepal, and France addressed GRF and GRF Community members at a roundtable. In his speech entitled “Shifting Power Balances in Asia and their Strategic Implications”, Amb. Sood provided an Indian perspective on the Asia-Pacific and Indian Ocean region’s role within the global context. Arguing that the post-Cold War era is not an age of alliances and multipolarity but an age of ambiguity, Amb. Sood analyzed and evaluated the changing roles and relations of the US, China and India economically, militarily and politically. Upon the completion of his remarks, Amb. Sood received a wide range of questions and comments from the participants.