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Food for Thought


Book Recommendation: "İlter Türkmen: Diplomasi Ustalığından Kanaat Önderliğine"

Co-authored by our Board Member, Prof. Dr. Füsun Türkmen, and our Member, Ambassador (R) Selim Kuneralp, the book is available for purchase from Remzi Kitabevi, and other associated bookstores.


The book, co-authored by our Board Member, Prof. Dr. Füsun Türkmen, and our Member, Ambassador (R) Selim Kuneralp, includes memoirs written by colleagues and contemporaries of our esteemed Member, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Ambassador (R) İlter Türkmen who tragically passed away in 2022, regarding his life, his career in Turkish diplomacy, his endeavors and friendships, as well as lessons for future generations interested in diplomacy. It is available for purchase at Remzi Kitabevi, and other associated bookstores.