The desperate situation in Pakistan is heart-rending. The
United States has offered significant assistance, pledging now $150
million. This support is welcome. It will be even more welcome if it
forms the start of a new aid relationship between Pakistan and the
United States, one that recognizes the value of both humanitarian and
development aid.
Such a fresh start should be based on two propositions: first, the
hearts-and-minds of aid recipients will not be won over just by
assistance to cope with natural disasters but rather by also helping
long-term development; second, development assistance must be based on a
significant, stable flow of resources.
The first point is general to all countries. There is certainly more to a
long, stable friendship than helping during times of natural disaster.
Better progress on development beforehand can be the most powerful
prevention to widespread economic damage after a disaster and people
will remember the mechanisms already in place to help them when trouble
The first priority after a disaster should be to assess the damage and
needs of the afflicted. Many have written about the international
communityʼs delayed response to Pakistanʼs floods. However as the scope
of the calamity becomes clear, international assistance has risen.
According to the United Nations, almost $500 million has been received
and a further $325 million has been promised.
Yet, little attention has been focused on why the flood and other
natural hazards that have struck Pakistan have done so much damage.
Pakistan has suffered from earthquakes, droughts and floods in recent
years. In each case, the cost in terms of human life, suffering and
material damage has been magnified by the countryʼs underdeveloped
physical and social infrastructure. Previously, floods occurred in 1950,
1970, 1975, 1982, 1992 and 1993, washing away homes, crops, livestock,
roads, schools and clinics. Mercifully, the extensive system of dams,
embankments and canals-partly built with U.S. foreign assistance in the
1960s-has permitted some management of the downstream water flow, but
this system was overwhelmed by the magnitude of the current flood.
Natural hazards become economic disasters when affected communities are
isolated. In Pakistan, food prices have surged in cut-off areas,
depleting household savings that would otherwise have been used to
replace lost seed, cattle and other assets of agrarian livelihoods.
Better infrastructure, risk insurance and social safety net programs
(like the Benazir Income Support Program) would have helped, if they
were currently in place. In other cases of severe hazards, negative
medium-term development effects are felt through reduced agricultural
growth, and higher poverty and inequality. Disasters elsewhere have been
linked with growing external debt, budget deficits and inflation, which
lower future growth. All these effects can be reduced through designing
a program of foreign assistance support in a responsible way-strong
rural development programs, including access to credit, rural roads,
markets as well as sound macroeconomic management complemented by
budgetary support.
The second point is that economic development assistance must be
reliable, predictable and substantial to have an impact. Currently, U.S.
aid to Pakistan displays none of these characteristics. The U.S. has
periodically announced large aid packages for Pakistan and aid
commitments have been high, albeit very volatile as shown in the chart
below (see the red line). But actual U.S. development assistance to
Pakistan has been minimal since the large aid programs of the 1960s and
early 1970s (the hey-day of the U.S.-Pakistan relationship). At that
time, U.S. development assistance helped build roads, power stations and
a vibrant agricultural economy. Since then, Pakistan has seen little
cash for development projects from the United States. In some cases,
pledges were never translated into actual projects or were left
unimplemented and later simply cancelled or forgotten. In other
instances, the money never went to Pakistan or Pakistanis, but went
straight to U.S. contractors to execute programs designed by the United
States. In fact, the actual programmable cash-flow from the U.S. to
Pakistan-gross aid disbursements excluding technical cooperation (where
no money flows to Pakistan), food and humanitarian assistance (not
designed for long-term development purposes), debt relief (write-offs on
bad commercial loans that would not have been repaid anyway), and
interest and principal repayments on past aid-was negative for almost
25 years between 1975 and 2000 (see the blue line). This meant that more
money was being paid from the Pakistan budget to the United States
Treasury than vice-versa in these years. In 2008, the last year of fully
reported data, the actual net disbursement of programmable money for
development projects in Pakistan by the U.S. amounted to $204 million,
or about $1.10 per Pakistani. Small wonder that very few Pakistanis
believe that U.S. assistance has benefited them significantly over the
last 40 years.
The Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C. holds copyright to this material and has granted the Global Relations Forum permission to translate and republish this version on the GRF web site. The Brookings Institution is not affiliated with GRF and takes no responsibility nor makes any endorsement for the content on the GRF’s web site. Similarly, GRF takes no responsibility nor makes any endorsement for the content on the Brookings Institution’s website. |