Online Meeting with
Dr. Simon Quijano-Evans,
Chief Economist at GEMCORP Capital
December 16, 2021
On December 16, 2021, Dr. Simon Quijano-Evans, Chief Economist at GEMCORP Capital, addressed GRF and GRF Community members at an online meeting. In his speech entitled "A Tour d’Horizon of prevailing Global Macro Themes", Dr. Quijano-Evans detailed how current global macroeconomic trends will likely evolve in the coming years, and assessed the impact of the driving forces behind these trends like the pandemic, political instability, climate, etc. In his analysis of countries still dealing with the variants of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Quijano-Evans warned that the observable macroeconomic trends between developed and developing nations can be worsened by the existing instabilities within global markets. Following his speech, Dr. Quijano-Evans answered the participants’ questions.